

Now Accepting Applications!

We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 School Year!

Thank you for your interest in Bulloch Academy pre-k! 您也可以在周一至周五上午8点至下午3点30分之间到学校办公室领取申请. 一旦我们收到您的申请,您的孩子将在4岁的学年, we will place your child’s name on our waiting list for that school year. 学生必须在学年的9月1日之前年满4岁,并且必须提供出生证明以证明年龄资格. 学生还必须是格鲁吉亚的居民和地址资格证明必须伴随学前班申请. 可接受的证明格鲁吉亚居民身份的文件形式包括, property tax notice, homeowner’s insurance bill, mortgage statement, current vehicle registration form, current PeachCare eligibility documents for the child, or utility bill listing the residence as the service address.

如果您有兴趣参观Bulloch Academy或将您的孩子放在我们的优先入学名单上, please let us know, and we will be happy to help you with the process. If you would like more information, contact Angie Daughtry at [email protected]. 我们祝愿你在学业上取得最好的成绩,并希望你在不久的将来成为我们BA大家庭的一员. 如果您有任何问题或想了解更多信息,请与我们联系.

Bulloch Academy Student Handbook & Dress Code

A copy of the most recent BA student handbook can be found HERE along with the Lower School Dress Code!

Registration Procedures

Bulloch Academy has three Bright from the Start pre-k classrooms funded by the Georgia Lottery, meaning there is no tuition for our program, 虽然有一些可选择的费用,包括午餐和课后日托,如果父母选择让他们的孩子参加. 每班有两名教师,最多20名学生,共60个名额. 这些名额首先由优先最新靠谱的足球外围推荐(校友或员工的子女)填补, siblings of current Bulloch Academy students, (或预先注册幼稚园的学生),然后按收到申请日期填写.

For parents interested in pre-registering for kindergarten at BA. Registration for kindergarten waiting list: $1,200 with this amount being applied to the registration fee, application fee, 学费在孩子进入幼儿园时支付,并在注册时支付. All are non-refundable if the child does not attend. 幼儿园的预注册也会指定一个申请作为优先入学状态,该申请将排在校友或雇员的子女以及在校生的兄弟姐妹之后. 学前班是不收费的,所以幼儿园的预注册是完全可选的.

每个学年的录取通知书将在2月的最后一周寄出, prior to the school year. 您孩子的老师将在暑假期间发送欢迎信,班级名单将在前期计划中公布.

Attendance Procedures

The pre-k school day begins at 7:50 am and ends at 2:30 pm. 在7:30到7:50之间到达的家长被要求护送他们的孩子到餐厅接受监督,直到教室在7:50准备好接受学生. 家长可以在早上7:45到8:05之间使用我们的拼车线路,但必须在8:05之后带孩子去办公室签一张迟到单. 我们也欢迎家长将孩子送到教室,但我们要求家长不要在教室里逗留. 家长们被邀请并欢迎加入我们的游戏和学习的各个方面在整个学校的一天和一年. 家长可以在每位老师到达后报名参加特别活动, sign in at the lower school office to obtain a visitor badge. 在下午2:30之前接孩子的家长需要在低年级办公室签下提前下课表.

Bright from the Start requires children to attend the program for 6.5 hours each day, 5 days a week for the 180-day school year. 不遵守这些出勤要求可能导致退学.

下午的拼车线在学前班大楼前,老师在放学时帮助每个孩子上车. 下午2:30未被接走的学生将被护送到自助餐厅参加课后活动. 课后活动从下午2:30到下午6:00,有兴趣的家庭可以参加. Parents can choose a drop-in option or full-time option. The afterschool program is operated by Bulloch Academy and not by the BFTS pre-k program. Please also remember to let the school know of any changes in phone numbers, addresses, or who can or cannot pick up your child throughout the school year.

Lunch Procedures

如果您的孩子有任何饮食限制或医疗问题,请告知学校. Parents receive a monthly menu with lunch and snack choices. Lunch is provided for $5.50 per day, or parents may provide a home lunch for their child. Snacks are provided daily for pre-k students. Parents receive notices when a student has lunch balances, 有多次逾期余额的学生需要自带午餐,并且不能收取午餐费用. 符合免费午餐要求的学生将被要求提交资格证明文件.

Bulloch Academy has partnered up with ChefAdvantage to provide tasty, nutritious meals for each student.  ChefAdvantage相信,在滋养整个学校社区的奉献,不仅是高质量的膳食,而且食品安全, nutrition education, and program support.

轮换菜单将突出营养信息,并将是真实的准备, putting the health and tastes of our students first!

Field-Trip Procedures

Bulloch Academy很幸运,在我们的社区里有很多很棒的资源,可以为学生提供多种实地考察的机会. 我们要求一次性25美元的实地考察费或捐款,以帮助支付交通费用和一些行程的入场费. Bright from the Start encourages field trip opportunities but does not cover all costs, 因此,我们欢迎愿意捐款的企业或个人的捐款或赞助. 我们还为学生和感兴趣的家长订购学前班的t恤,以便在实地考察和特殊活动时穿. All children will be included in any Bright from the Start activity or pre-k field trip regardless of contributions.

Needed Materials

学校一次性为学生提供午睡垫和毯子,供他们休息. 家长有责任提供一张婴儿床或幼儿床单和一个特大号枕头套,以容纳所有休息时间的材料. Please clearly label the pillowcase with your child’s name. 学生们还需要一套换洗的衣服放在教室里,还需要一个书包把每周的文件夹带回家. Rolling book bags are not permitted. 我们要求家长们在所有的衣物上贴上标签,并把它们放在一个大的有拉链的袋子里,并清楚地标明孩子的名字.


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